Food of the day: GoGo Franks's Sausage Prata

Introducing to you Sausage Prata from GoGo Franks!

This is the signature dish from GoGo Franks! One hotdog of your own choice combined with lettuce, mayonnaise and other sauces and then wrap with a thin crisp of prata surrounding it! Hotdogs from GoGo Franks comes in different flavors such as, Cheese, Black Pepper, Satay, Chilli and Mushroom!
The hotdogs can also be bought buy itself instead of the combination with the prata. 

There are a total of 10 outlets in Singapore which can be easily located! A new outlet will also be coming up soon at Sentosa! Don't miss it! Enjoy your delicious hotdog now!

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from Jun Ning

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